
wenDues is a comprehensive productivity app that combines a timer, calendar, to-do list, and music player in one place. It allows users to plan their day, set goals, track progress, take notes, and stay organized.

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how to use:
To use wenDues, create tasks and set goals for your day. Break down your goals into subtasks and track their completion. Set timers for focused work sessions, and take notes under each task. Use the music player for a soothing ambiance. Access your daily, weekly, and monthly agenda for better planning. Upload articles and website links for easy reference. Use color-coded labels to categorize overdue, completed, and active subgoals. Take advantage of the real-time data sync to access your information across devices.
Core freatures:
Timer for focused work sessionsCalendar for daily, weekly, and monthly planningTo-do list for task organizationMusic player with unique soothing musicGoal setting with subtasksNote-taking featureArticle and link storageColor-coded labels
Use case:

Personal productivity

Goal tracking and achievement

Task organization

Time management


Work and study sessions

FAQ list:


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