
Shortwave is an intelligent email service powered by AI. It is designed to be smarter and faster, enabling stress-free productivity for professionals. It is available for iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows, and is widely used by professionals at leading companies worldwide.

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how to use:
To use Shortwave, simply sign in with your Gmail account. Once signed in, you can leverage AI to summarize the key points from any email, helping you save time and cut through the noise. Shortwave also breaks down language barriers by understanding emails in every language. It offers hassle-free organization with built-in labels that auto-apply for common use cases. Additionally, you can utilize natural language to defer email delivery and streamline your workflow by grouping emails into bundles for batch processing. The service offers faster email management than Gmail filters and allows you to prioritize your work by pinning, reordering, and combining tasks. Shortwave also provides a modern chat experience, the ability to send AI-generated summaries to non-Shortwave users, frictionless email composition using Markdown, rich media, and mentions, as well as keyboard shortcuts for quick actions.
Core freatures:
AI-powered email summarizationLanguage translation for emailsInbox zero methodologyAuto-applying labels for easy organizationIntuitive email schedulingTask prioritization with drag-and-drop functionalityEfficient spam and unwanted sender blockingKeyboard shortcuts for faster email managementChat-like email experienceAI-generated email summaries for non-Shortwave usersCompose emails with Markdown, rich media, and mentionsInstant email history referencing
Use case:

Quickly capture email key points and save time

Effortlessly understand emails in different languages

Maintain inbox zero and prioritize tasks effectively

Streamline email organization and reduce decision-making

Minimize email clicks with auto-applying labels

Avoid interruptions by scheduling email deliveries

Pin, reorder, and combine tasks for efficient task management

Block unwanted senders and spam emails with ease

Manage emails faster with keyboard shortcuts

Experience fast and enjoyable email communication

Share AI-generated email summaries with non-Shortwave users

Compose structured and visually appealing emails

Quickly reference and quote previous email conversations

FAQ list:
What is Shortwave? How do I use Shortwave? What are the core features of Shortwave? What are the use cases for Shortwave?


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