
Sales AI is a platform that leverages AI technology to assist sales professionals in updating their CRM using voice or text messages from platforms like WhatsApp or SMS. It is designed to help sales leaders and reps unleash the potential of AI in their sales processes.

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how to use:
To use Sales AI, sales professionals can integrate it with their CRM system and then communicate with the AI assistant through voice or text messages. This allows them to easily update their CRM data on the go while they are attending meetings or traveling. Sales AI also offers features like CRM rule reminders, advanced voice messaging, and speech recognition technology to improve communication and productivity.
Core freatures:
Instant updating of CRM using voice or text messagesIntegration with popular CRM systems like HubSpotEffortless CRM hygiene and seamless playbook adoptionHigh-quality CRM data with accurate and up-to-date informationManage CRM by voice through advanced voice messaging and speech recognitionPulling deals, contacts, notes, and tasks from CRM on the moveManaging Google Calendar from WhatsApp and SMSCreating events, sending invites, and pulling meetings and tasks with Hints Sales Copilot
Use case:

Updating CRM data while on the go

Saving time by automating administrative tasks

Improving CRM data accuracy and completeness

Enhancing communication and collaboration in sales teams

Increasing productivity and efficiency in sales processes

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