HackerFM Podcast

Hacker FM is a daily AI-generated podcast hosted by Laura and Zod. They discuss the latest news and developments in the tech world, covering topics such as cyber security, AI, software engineering, open source projects, reverse engineering, and more.

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how to use:
To listen to Hacker FM, you can subscribe to the podcast on your preferred platform such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts. Each episode covers various tech news and updates, providing insights and discussions on the featured topics. Simply click on the episode you’re interested in and enjoy the conversation between Laura and Zod.
Core freatures:
Daily AI-generated podcastCovers latest tech news and updatesDiscussions on cyber security, AI, software engineering, open source projects, reverse engineering, and more
Use case:

Staying updated on the latest tech developments

Getting insights and perspectives on cyber security and AI

Learning about open source projects and software engineering practices

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