
CustomGPT is a platform that allows businesses to create their own chatbot using their own business content. It uses ChatGPT technology to provide accurate responses based on the uploaded content, without making up facts. The platform is secure, privacy-first, and designed for business use.

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how to use:
To use CustomGPT, you can easily set up the platform by uploading your business content in various formats or integrating your website’s sitemap. The content will be indexed and used by the ChatGPT-powered chatbot to generate responses. You can then deploy the chatbot on your website, embed it in live chat, or integrate it into your workflows through the API or ChatGPT Plugins.
Core freatures:
Easy setup with seamless website integration or file uploadSupport for 1400+ document formats and 92 languagesPowered by ChatGPT-4 for accurate responses without making up factsSecure and privacy-first, designed for business useDeploy chatbot publicly or privatelyEmbed chatbot on website and live chatAccess API for integration into workflowsCustomization of brand voice and tone
Use case:

Customer Service: Provide personalized conversational responses based on all your business content, improving customer satisfaction and engagement.

Brand Voice Responses: Allow leads to ask questions and get instant answers from your business content, enhancing customer engagement and boosting sales.

Topic Research: Answer potential customer inquiries directly from your business content, eliminating the need for traditional search and improving lead conversion.

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