Query Vary-Location-in-San Francisco-at-queryvary.com

Query Vary
location:San Francisco
website: https://queryvary.com
Y Combinator LogoW22
Team Size: 6
Founded Date: 2021


Query Vary’s mission is to make AI maximally useful by providing the best QA experience for all stakeholders in the app development lifecycle.

For Developers.
We help developers debug prompts and find one that works every time.

For Product Managers.
We make it easy for product managers to rope in experts in the development of LLM apps. For example, when you’re building a digital doctor using LLMS, you want the doctor to judge what is ‘good’ output, not the software engineer.

For CTOs.
Rigorous testing infra takes a lot of time to build and maintain. Most companies shouldn’t do it. We help companies avoid wasting dev time and so they can focus on what matter most without worrying about QA.

For App end-users.
Our customers provide a better UX to their customers in the form of improved quality and reliability.


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