AI-Powered Web Exploration – WebQuery

WebQuery is a platform that enables users to have conversations with articles and links on the web. It utilizes AI technology to analyze the content of registered articles and answer questions based on the provided information.

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how to use:
To use WebQuery, simply upload the link(s) of the article(s) you want information about. The platform will read the information from the link(s) and create a group for each article. Once the registration is complete, you can ask any question about the article, and ChatGPT AI will provide answers based on the article’s content.
Core freatures:
Conversation with articlesAbility to register multiple linksAI-powered answers based on article content
Use case:

Obtain necessary information from articles quickly

Gain a deeper understanding of articles

Engage in conversations with favorite articles

Save time by letting AI address doubts and questions

FAQ list:
What is WebQuery? How do I use WebQuery? What are the core features of WebQuery? What can I do with WebQuery?


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