AI Art Weekly

AI Art Weekly is a free, once-weekly email newsletter that provides a round-up of AI art news, interviews, and resources. It keeps subscribers updated on the latest updates and news from the respective week, featuring interviews with AI artists, inspirational prompts, useful tools, educational tutorials, and other resources.

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how to use:
To use AI Art Weekly, simply subscribe to the newsletter by providing your email address. Once subscribed, you will receive the newsletter directly into your inbox on a weekly basis. You can explore the latest issue for a sample of the content. You can also participate in the Cover Art Challenges for a chance to win prizes and get mentioned in the next AI Art Weekly issue.
Core freatures:
Weekly round-up of AI art news, interviews, and resourcesInterviews with AI artistsInspirational promptsUseful toolsEducational tutorialsCover Art Challenges with prizes
Use case:

Keeping up to date with the latest developments in AI art

Gaining inspiration from interviews with AI artists

Exploring and utilizing AI tools and resources for art creation

Participating in artistic challenges and potentially winning prizes

FAQ list: